Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Short, Inspiring Story

Life has an amazing way to teach us important lessons. This story takes place during a four hour layover at the Dallas airport...

I sat near the airport gate writing in my journal. As I wrote, I felt calm and excited. I was soon to be home for thanksgiving with my family that night. Then, I heard through a loud speaker 'Passenger Powers, please come to gate 17.' I walked to the desk, curious what was to happen. They confirmed my last name and asked if it was okay to put me in first class. I asked if I would have to pay more, and they said no. I replied, 'Of course!' They reprinted a first class ticket and I walked away with a huge grin on my face. I sat down and began writing again, enjoying a blissful state. 

Soon thereafter, a thought came into my mind. 'What if I can get a drink/food voucher? There are another couple hours before the flight takes off.' My initial thought was that I was asking for too much. They say, 'having your cake and eating it too' when one feels greedy for more. But this thought was not influential enough to stop me from trying. I figured the worst that could happen is they say no. So I walked up to the desk. After telling me 'no' immediately, they got a hint that I was not the correct person to receive a free first class flight. A couple questions later and they asked for the first class ticket back. I couldn't believe it! I returned the ticket and they printed the original ticket and gave it back to me. 

I admit I was sad to receive the news, yet simultaneously noticed the silver lining to the story. When one asks for too much out of greed,
and does not appreciate their blessings, it can be taken away abruptly. Life goes on, and there is so much to appreciate!


A week ago, I awoke in Berkeley,
California happily surprised that rain was falling in this drought ridden area. I planned to walk to an early morning yoga class, and started my half hour journey by foot. Within a couple minutes, getting wetter each step, I decided I would try to hitchhike to make it to class on time, and dry. Feelings of nervousness and excitement filled my body at the thought of hitchhiking. Was I really about to try this in the US? Why not? I thought. I saw a man entering his small, old, red sports car and shut the door quickly as he sat in the driver seat. I hesitated for a second thinking, Oh, well he got in his car. I can not ask him now... Aware of these thoughts, I decided to ask anyway. What is the worst that can happen? He tells me no....So I walked up to his car and he rolled his window down. I asked politely where he was driving, and explained that I was late to a yoga class and was looking for a ride. He told me he was driving in the opposite direction, but said to sit in the car as he opened the passenger side door. I said Thank you! and walked to the door and sat in the dry car. Is this really happening? I thought. Yes! As we drove, I asked him where he was from and he replied Venezuela. Immediately I replied in Spanish and we had a great conversation for the few minutes we drove together. He dropped me off one block from the yoga studio, and then approached the traffic light in perfect time. I laughed to myself and thanked the universe for being so kind. I felt, that for him, his day was brightened by helping another person. And for me, my morning began with a beautiful, sinchronistic experience. In my bliss, I began walking and about ten seconds later I felt a wet squish under my foot. Fresh dog poop. I could not help but laugh at the situation and be so grateful for the wonderful people in this world.

Moral of the story: The world is full of beautiful, friendly, generous, authentic people. The more authentic you are, the more authentic people you will meet and attract into your life...Hitchhiking is possible in the US! Go to a gas station, or stop someone as they are getting into their car, look into their eyes, and just ask!

1 comment:

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