Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reflections from 10 Days of Silence

10 days of silence. No eye contact, gestures or communication. 6 hours of daily meditation, 2 hours of lecture, 1 hour of yoga. Sounds like a challenge! Yet the greater the challenge, the greater the reward.

It is incredible what you notice when you do not talk for a few days. I imagine most people have a slightly different experience, but I will share some of my growth experience as I feel it is worth sharing:
  • Witnessing the 'Monkey Mind'
After a couple days, I was able to notice the random stream of thoughts some label as the 'monkey mind.' It is incredible to witness thoughts of joy and suffering compete for attention. Thoughts brought about feelings lasting seconds or minutes, which would make me feel happy, sad, open, closed, angry, peaceful, regretful, content and on and on. Feeling light, feeling heavy, feeling stable and unstable. What a roller coaster of emotions! I would notice myself desire the happier, high vibration feelings, and try to disassociate from the lower vibration feelings. Yet, through teaching and meditation, I am learning to not judge, attach or associate with either 'good' or 'bad' feelings. Rather, witnessing these fluctuating emotions without judgment is what I practice. 
  • Judgment vs Love
"If you judge people, you do not have time to love them." - Mother Theresa

Repeatedly throughout the retreat, I caught myself judging others and myself. Thanks to this quote and the quieting of my never-ending thoughts, I was able to catch myself doing this, and instead simply witness or send good vibes to myself or another person.
  • Appreciation
There is an infinity amount of things we can be thankful for. And when I am appreciative, I feel full of good energy. We are so blessed. 

  • A Healthy Diet Makes a Big Difference
The Hridaya yoga center offers three delicious vegan meals every day during the retreat. This diet reminds me how important and vital a healthy diet is for me. It makes me feel energetic, clear and light instead of full, heavy and bloated. 
  • A Note on Love
"The people of love are love with their love." Repeat that. 
Many of us expect love that we do not know how to give. So how are we to receive this type of love if we do not understand how to express it? 
  • "Welcome Back to Reality"
Many of us hear this upon returning from vacation, graduating from college or time off work. A day after the retreat, I was barefoot in the sand, enjoying the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. As the powerful waves crashed into the shore, I had a special moment. "Welcome back to reality," I thought. I laughed. Then, a loud laugh with a giant smile. I could not help but smile. I realized that in our life, we can choose to do whatever we want to do. Really! So on this beautiful afternoon, I decided to watch the sunset and go for a swim instead of finishing a work day like millions of people were doing all over the world. And this is a daily, constant choice. This is reality. Not what others say you have to do. Do what you want to do! Everything will work out…it always does.

Sunset near Mazunte, Mexico

Willow and Ether, some friends I met in Peru, invited me for a birthday lunch at their home. It is unbelievable how cheap rent is on the coast of Mexico. If you want an ocean side view, check it out!

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